The Beato Club

The Beato Club is the best way to support my YouTube Channel with an on-going subscription and comes with some awesome perks.

To find out what all you can expect keep scrolling.

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Membership types:

Access to 24/7 Chatrooms
An engaged community to chat with 24/7 about music, music-related videos or anything you like.

Access to Community Forum
An engaged community to chat with using posts. Share pictures and videos of yourself playing or talk about anything you like.

2 Video Lessons per Month & Access to Lesson Archive
New video lessons every month, with PDF material and an archive of over 30 videos for you to enjoy.

Access to behind-the-scenes footage from the Studio
Sporadically uploaded content from the road and from inside the studio

Ever-growing PDF Archive
A PDF archive which currently boasts over 75 PDFs ready to download with new ones being added constantly

Free Merchandise Gift to your door every 3 months
With this option you get a merchandise gift to any address you give us, every 3 months of your ongoing support. This could be a T-Shirt in your size or a hat or a poster.

Listed as supporter
You will be listed as a supporter in the description of my YouTube videos.

Monthly Zoom Call with Rick Beato
A monthly zoom call with Rick Beato in a small group setting to discuss your own music and get Rick's feedback on writing, production and theory.

Number of available spots




Continued channel support
Any amount supports what I am doing with my YouTube channel and will enable me to do more interviews with your favorite artists.